Active 6 days agoBreathing difficulties I am in hospital now having been admitted to have a pump fitted as pills don't control m.y vile and terrifying symptoms of tightness of throat.neck,stomach and belly leading to...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAssistive Devices
Hammeroids.and Parkinson How do i cope with thiscannot stand am.very..sore.cannot .in.bed.all.the.time Can't sit have cold sores...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAssistive DevicesDiagnosisDiet & Nutrition
Massage ChairMy doctor has written me an order for a Therapeutic \ Massage Chair. Has anyone been able to find a vendor \ supplier that works with insurance ? Thanks in...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAssistive DevicesExercise
Leaning over in chairs Hi All, My mother has Multisystem Atrophy and experiences Parkinson's like symptoms. When sitting in her recliner she tips to one side. Has anyone found a way to keep their...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAssistive Devices
Tech Related issuesDoes anybody have any tech-related issues when it comes to dealing with Parkinson's and the associated tremors? Texting, typing, taking photos, etc. Thanks!...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAssistive Devices
rytaryWho has taken this and what is your outcome?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessAssistive DevicesCaregivers & Care Partners
DBS: actual experiences I am official caregiver along with VA Homebased team of my beloved husband of 53 years. My husband was diagnosed 5 years ago and is now 77 years young. We...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAssistive DevicesCognitive IssuesCost
Gyro Gloves Just wanted to know if anyone has tried the gyro glove and how helpful it has been in controlling hand tremors. Is it easy to put on and remove when...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAssistive Devices
Extremely Urgent, Trying to cure father's Parkinson's disease in his final years.Hello all, My father is 74 year's old and he has had Parkinson's disease since 2017. He most likely had it before then but we never noticed because he doesn't...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAssistive DevicesAwarenessParkinsonism
I have trouble getting out of bedI just bought an electric bed. However, I use to use a quarter side rail and I was able to get to a sitting position by myself However, now I...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAssistive DevicesTips & Advice