I am in hospital now having been admitted to have a pump fitted as pills don't control m.y vile and terrifying symptoms of tightness of throat.neck,stomach and belly leading to a feeling choking and not being able to breathe easily. It's like having a tight corset on. Over the last week of so the ,' episodes have become almost constant with about 30mins of respite in between. It has worstened by the day and am thrown into trying to fight the panic and terror that comes with it. I am told it's a trial and error at the beginning but I have every hope that this pump will stop the worst of my symptoms. I'm going to try hard to get used to carrying a 'house brick' around with me and all the things one has to learn about how to use this appliance. I was virtually carried in here yesterday without hope but after some sleep, food and dedicated staff I do feel more optimistic today., I haven't had a major attack since I have been with pump attached to me.