Finding a Movement Disorder Specialist in Your AreaThe healthcare team of an individual with Parkinson's disease (PD) can have a variety of different specialists. Primary care providers, neurologists, physical or occupational therapists, mental health providers, and more...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
The DICE Approach: How Can It Help?DICE is another way to examine and treat certain behaviors associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). It is a joint effort between caregivers and doctors to identify what factors may contribute...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
To Go, or Not - I Went!You may have read my previous submission entitled To Go or Not to Go. It deals with the issue of apathy. And is an update to that previous piece. Hint:...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Hallucinations and Delusions in Parkinson'sHallucinations and delusions are familiar terms but most people aren't sure what they really mean. A hallucination is a false perception: seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, or tasting something that isn't...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Exploring and Releasing Your PotentialLearning to live with illness requires the ability to remain flexible to future possibilities. For the first twenty or so years, we are supposed to learn what we need to...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Weigh In: The Lesser Known Symptoms of Parkinson'sWe at often hear from you, the community, that the lesser known, non-motor symptoms are some of the hardest to manage. And every week, you graciously vote in our...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
PD Pundit: IsolationTo read the rest of the "PD Pundit" series, click here...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Living Alone with Parkinson’s DiseaseAny new diagnosis can bring with it questions, fears, and concerns for the future. A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), a chronic lifelong condition for which there is no cure...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Loving the Man – Not Loving Parkinson’sThe way that my husband Karl and I met was unconventional. It was 1995 and the Internet was just starting to make strides into people’s homes. We met on a...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
How We Cope – Being Care Partners for Each OtherAngela and I have been married for over 21 years. We consider our marriage to be a relationship of mutual care. We prefer the term “care partner” instead of “caregiver”...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Speaking in "Parki-nese": Challenges with SpeechWhat if you woke up tomorrow morning and couldn’t speak? How would it affect your life? Think about it. You couldn’t tell your family good morning, cell phones would be...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
PD Pundit: REM Sleep DisturbancesTo read the rest of the "PD Pundit" series, click here...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Rock Steady Boxing: An Exercise Class to Manage PD SymptomsThe benefits of exercise have been touted as essential to a healthy lifestyle for decades. Running, cross training, yoga, and Pilates have all had their time on the front pages...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Doctors vs. PatientsDoctors vs. patients? It seems like a contradiction, but in far too many cases, that is exactly the scenario described. Doctors, more specifically, neurologists because we are talking here about...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Late Stage PD: 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Cognitive IssuesCognition in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is generally categorized into 3 stages: early, moderate, and late. Not everyone with PD will experience this change in mental processing, but for those who...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
The Future of Parkinson's in the Palm of Your HandsAfter seeing, caring, and treating strangers, patients, and loved ones with devastating brain illnesses such as Parkinson’s, I felt compelled to help in whatever way possible to advance the knowledge...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How to Make the Most of Your Doctor's VisitThere are many useful tips that you can utilize before, during and after your appointment with the neurologist to make every minute count. Here are just a few to help...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
An Attitude of Gratitude: Changing Your BrainEach November, we have a special tradition - #30daysofThanksgiving. We express gratitude on our Facebook page for the 30 days of November for the many blessings in our lives. We...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Is Telemedicine Helpful to Treat Parkinson’s?Remember the stories your grandparents told about the kindly doctor and his black bag making a house call? Telemedicine is the 21 Century’s version - a virtual house call. Doctors and...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Tips for Dealing with Holiday StressSometimes, when living with a chronic illness like Parkinson’s, little things that used to bring us joy can cause distress as our disease advances. Oftentimes we silence that deep voice...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments