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What kind of support do you have or wish you had to help manage PD?

  1. Chris, I wish I would have known that it takes a host of doctors and specialists to treat both the mental and physical symptoms of Parkinson's. I stumbled through many symptoms that I didn't even know were related to PD. For example, I didn't realize my arm was not swinging, creating a frozen shoulder and pain. My sister happened to mention it to her physical therapist and she told me to come in for treatment. I had no idea the power of physical therapy! I am also a very big advocate of people with Parkinson's seeking out a mental health specialist. Parkinson's, for me, has been a long mental journey and having someone to help me navigate that path has helped tremendously. One last comment, people with Parkinson's tend to live with a lot of symptoms that have a negative impact on their lives because they either don't know there is treatment or are afraid to ask their doctors. Parkinson's has thrown a lot at me over the course of 16 years and much of it was managed by medications or physical therapy. I've learned to speak up for myself because if I don't, who will?

    1. My biggest support, besides family, are all the exercise classes I can go to. They keep me motivated. You can’t do too much.

  2. Keep up the fight! You've got a team behind you.

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