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What are the different phases of Parkinson's Disease?

What are the symptoms of each Phase and How are they treated?

  1. Thanks for submitting your question, EllenGray! Since Parkinson's disease is highly individual in terms of symptoms and progression, everyone's experience differs. We do, however, have an article that explains some of the common symptoms that may accompany each of the five stages of PD progression here:

    Additionally, treatment options are tailored to the specific symptoms each person experiences. We have more information on different treatment options here: I hope this information is helpful! - Chris, Team Member

    1. Ellen You can find excellent information on the 5/phases of PD in the book Every Victory Counts and the various treatments from the Davis Phinney Foundation.The book is free and an excellent resource for information on all aspects of PD. I hope you find it helpful. Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

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