\n","dateModified":"2025-01-15T16:55:33.064067Z","dateCreated":"2025-01-15T16:55:33.064067Z","datePublished":"2025-01-15T16:55:33.064067Z","commentCount":1,"keywords":[],"url":"/forums/tremors-1","image":{"@id":"/forums/tremors-1#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://parkinsonsdisease.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Les dixon"}},{}]}
Can anyone help me please? I have had Parkinson’s for 2 years. I recently stopped about 5 weeks ago taking a new medication called ongentys. I did not have any tremors but I had terrible side affects. Now I take 2 tablets, 4 times daily 25 mg and 12mg, after I take them I have tremors for over a hour. Anyone know why? Please help me, thank you.