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Parkinson treatment for Violent Tremors

I was diagnosed with Parkinson March of this year. My situation is very unusual, the only symptom I have is violent tremor in my right leg. None of the other typical symptoms. A DaTscan revealed low dopamine. Now I am also starting to have my right arm shake. I have been on different forms of carbidopa levodopa, Mirapex, and Amantadine. Absolutely nothing has help even slightly. I have this shaking none stop throughout the day and get very little sleep because I am waking up and the shaking is again very violent. I am beside myself and am hoping there is someone out there that has had the rare problem I have and gotten help.

  1. Have you seen a movement disorder specialist or had an evaluation done at a medical facility? I would strongly recommend that you do so. There are many different types of conditions that can cause extreme tremors. I have a rare syndrome that causes violent tremors only on standing in addition to Parkinson’s. We cannot offer medical advice on this site for your safety but I would strongly suggest you seek medical advice. I hope you can find an answer. Thea DeStephano

    1. What I forgot to ask is have you gotten anything that helps with your extreme tremors when standing. And have they diagnosed what your rare syndrome is called? My tremor in my right leg is when sitting, lying down and then when standing, both legs quiver.

      1. Is this more frequent at the beginning of an interval covered by a dose, or at the end? For me, levodopa/carbidopa works quite well - I had such violent tremors only at the beginning, when I wasn't medicated. Try to see with the doctor if adding Rasagiline helps you. Also, avoid proteins around some of the doses and see if they are more effective. See:

        1. Thank you all so much I will let you know

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