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PD with no meds

I was diagnosed 11 years ago. I have tried Carb/Levo multiple times but found the side effects worse than the PD symptoms. Anybody else?

  1. Debbie, like you, I am highly sensitive to levadopa in any form .I ended up hospitalized due to side effects and currently take no medications strictly for PD. I do take meds for another movement disorder and they help some PD symptoms. What are you doing for the PD besides exercise and diet? Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

    1. That's it. I treat other things as they come up. Constipation is my biggest nemesis yet.
      Lev can make it worse but doc says give it a try - again! I'm trying to figure out what is aging and what is PD. He thinks I will be able to give up the walker which makes it tempting.

      1. I used to use Miralax daily and my neurologist suggested fiber gummies. I use FiberWell gummies which are low sugar. I chew four daily and now I rarely have to use Miralax. You just have try to figure out your ideal number to keep things moving.

    2. Debbie Constipation is a major issue for me as well. I use Miralax every other day , because I am very small a larger dose is too much. That and a glass of prune juice seem to help most of the time . There are times when nothing but nature has to take it
      course.My gastroenterologist has done several tests and my whole system from esophagus on down is out of sync. He has done what he can.

      1. Hi I have only recently this last year been diagnosed with PD. I have been taking the Carb/Levo for the last 2 months. I really hate the way it makes me feel. It helps to somewhat control my tremors. My side effects are; feeling nauseous or exhausted a half hour after taking the med. I also feel like my legs; body are asleep and having to continuously get up and stretch and move around. Not sure if thats the meds or not? Wondering if the Carb/Levo is worth taking!!

        1. Hello, You have a good dialogue going with others. Just to add my two cents that it matters when you take your medication - with our without food and what you are eating. Have you consulted with your physician about a proper diet for PD and movement recommended thru Physical Therapy? These all help "move" the medication and food properly thru your digestive system AND treat your PD systems. It's a mutli-prong approach to making you feel better! All the best, Suzanne Troy, Team Member

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