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Living with the Parkinson's demon

I know my title may seem like there is no hope, but it's a demon I personally want to beat. I'm a person who if you say I can't do something like getting up from a low setting chair, well I will get up just to show you I can. While Parkinson's has taken my balance, my smelling things and I can't write my name or any one else's now, I have found some ways around all of them with therapy. I count my steps and I take a sleep aid at night so I can function the next day. I will fight to have as normal a life as long as possible. I have a very supportive family and my husband is the center of them. Will I survive this? Answer is, "Hell yes I will"! Never give up fellow PD people. My heart, is my husband.

  1. Hello thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. I can feel your spunk and spirit through your words and love it! I am SO glad to hear you have such a supportive family and husband, they sound wonderful. How are you doing this week? I see you recently joined our community, which we are SO glad you found us. Please feel free to reach out anytime. We are here to support you in any way we can. Hugs, Jessica (Team Member)

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