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How did you first get diagnosed with PD

My PCP suspects I have PD due to my muscle stiffness that doesn't go away and have been having issues crop up in my procedural memory. I was told this by my PCP about 3 weeks ago and was finally able to get a appointment with a Movement Neurologist that specializes in PD but appointment won't be until January. I am hoping my PCP misdiagnosed me. But 2.5 months is a long time to find out. I know there is nothing I can do about it if I have PD but it would be nice to know..

  1. I can understand the agony of waiting to getting answers, especially when related to one's health. I hope that in the mean time you can find some solace while you wait for the January appointment. In case you were interested, I included a link to some information diagnosing PD - If there is any info we can try to help locate, please reach out. Sending thoughts of comfort and peace. -Jessica, Team Member

    1. , It seems like stiffness alone or even if considered with procedural memory does not add up to Parkinson's. I do not know if you asked your doctor about other symptoms, but believe that bradykinesia (slow movement, typically on one side at first) needs to be part of the picture. Bradykinesia, rigidity (stiffness) and poor balance and/or resting tremor are combinations that might lead to a clinical diagnosis. I imagine it is hard to stop worrying but I hope you can find ways not to worry and that you learn some helpful information from the doctor in January.

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