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Bone Density Scans & Osteoporosis

Recently, we received an email from a community member wanting to bring up the topic of bone density and osteoporosis in people with Parkinson's. Here's what she said:

"A friend of mine, who is in his late 50s and has had Parkinson’s for less than 10 years, recently found out he has severe osteoporosis. He was never told by a doctor to get a bone scan or about the risk of osteoporosis.

I think men, in general, are less likely to have discussions with their doctors about some of the non-motor symptoms (ie. incontinence, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, etc) and they live with issues they shouldn’t have to."

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you or a loved one have osteoporosis?

  1. When I started looking into this I was surprised to find that there is research on this topic and it’s not new. I was dx’d with Parkinson’s since 2008 and have never had a movement disorder specialist mention the need for people with Parkinson’s in particular to get scans. I only did it because a friend of mine with Parkinson’s had gotten one and found that her bone density had declined. If women aren’t hearing about it from specialists then I feel confident men are not. Yet they are at equally high risk of losing bone density either because of Parkinson’s itself or the medication’s we all take.

    1. I agree that many men would benefit from a bone scan considering the number of falls many experience. Perhaps it should be made a part of all the tests we are subject to regularly. It is important information for your medical team to have. Can we foster awareness through this forum with input from others? Thea DeStephano Community Team

      1. Having had cancer 4yrs ago, I get DEXA scans every 2yrs. My bone density has declined.

        1. zsuzsa I am sorry to hear about the decline in your bone density.Hopefully you use aids to avoid falls. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

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