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After some advice


I have been dealing with many symptoms to do with Parkinson's but recently the neurologist has told me I have functional neurological disorder and my datscan came back normal, but my uncle who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s is certain I have Parkinson's as well, and has recently got me to try these natural l’dopa tablets and since then my symptoms have noticeable improved and can easily tell when it has worn off because all my symptoms come back strongly.
Should I take this as a sign that my uncle is right and I should go back to neurologist and discuss the likely hood that this is in fact Parkinson’s.

Thank you for any feedback

  1. George We are not in a position to offer medical advice on this site. I would highly recommend that you contact a Movement Disorder Specialist to confirm your diagnosis. Please let us know what you discover. We care about you. Thea DeStephano
    Community Team Member

    1. George Just checking to see how you are. Have you been able to see a movement disorder specialist and get a definitive diagnosis? We are here to help in anyway possible and care about you. Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

      1. Unfortunately not yet, I have appointment to see movement specialist in November, the levodopa is still helping my symptoms like it would if I do have Parkinson's, but my neurologist just insists he does not know why and has wiped his hands of me. My gutt and body all screaming at me telling me I'm not crazy and it is Parkinson's or Parkinson's as well as FND, even my uncle who has Parkinson's is telling me he really thinks I do as well, just left feeling rather frustrated

        1. I am sorry you have to wait so long for an appointment. Completely understand your frustration. It is a shame that so many people have to be put on hold with no definitive answers. Keep in touch and let us know how you are. We care and are here to help however we can. Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

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