Will I get Parkinson's Disease?

I am a 56 year old man and I have not been diagnosed with PD. I have been diagnosed with REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). I have been acting out my dreams over the last 6-7 years and it's my wife who has suffered. I have shouted, screamed, jumped out of bed, and even beat my wife up thinking she was an intruder. We sleep in separate beds now. I have been taking Clonazapam tablets for about 6 years and the dosage has gradually increased. I prescribed 2.5mg per night now. The tablets have made a difference but still get the occasional night episode.

Prodromal signs of Parkinson's

My worry is that I may have prodromal signs of PD. For example, I've had a poor sense of smell for many years and the last few years I've been suffering with erectile dysfunction and having been taking Viagra for the last 3 years. I've had to increase my dosage over that time period and I still have ED.

Upcoming appointment

I do not have any motor signs though and I keep myself fit, exercising every day and going to the gym. I have an appointment with a neurologist on the 5th June so hopefully I will find out more about my condition.

Am I likely to develop Parkinson's?

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