Hawaiian One

Aloha. Well my story. going to be 67. I retired from Hawaii State Hospital. Psychiatric. After 34 years. I was blessed to have had that job. When I went to work every morning I ask jesus to watch over myself and peers while at work. I couldn't ask for better people to work with. I tried by best to show kindness and understanding of these patients. And not judge them on the reason they are there. so like most days after work I would go do my maybe 3 mile walk. Beautiful peaceful.

Parkinson's diagnosis

One day my wife was with me, maybe couple steps behind me and told me that why wasn't my left arm moving like when u taking strides. I didn't notice. Anyway that's when I went in to see this neurologist. She was a trip. No manners at all. Right to the point. Told me to all those hand testing and all that stuff. Then told me walk down the hallway and back. We get back in to the room. Then she says. Yup you have Parkinson's. I am going to order you some medication and see u back I think it was like a month. She told a little about the meds but not much. I was glad when she left the island and went somewhere in the mainland to work.

Aloha to all

Then I got a new doc she was so easy to talk to and seemed very caring. But she was just my doc for couple of months. Her husband passed and she going back home to San Fran. Now got a new doc. Maybe for the pass year. I am still out to lunch with guy most of my days I stay out of the house in the garage. Or in the yard. Don't go walking anymore. Got a beautiful Wife 2 wonderful step daughters. And my step son. He's the man. Joined the army right after HS graduation. Just like I did. He is at fort Brag. Sometimes I get really annoyed with this P.D. stuff. My gait's getting worse. But it's ok. I told my wife when I can't walk I think I might have to check out. I will not be a burden on anyone. But jesus has my back. So he will be the one to check me out. So Aloha To All. And when I used to leave my mom's house. Mom always told me. To Walk With The Lord. And I do. God Bless. Be Safe.

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