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What was your immediate reaction upon receiving your PD diagnosis?

  1. Not surprised. I am a nurse and expected the diagnosis to be PD

    1. Very interesting, Janice! What were the indications that lead you to expect the diagnosis? - Chris, Team Member

  2. I was shocked but not surprised. My mom and uncle both had PD.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Fran! Very interesting that you have two relatives with PD. I have an immediate family member with PD, so I sometimes wonder what that may mean for me in the future. Thanks again for weighing in! - Chris, Team Member

  3. I was pretty shook up but relieved that I wasn't losing my mind and muscle control.
    My first words were,"Oh poop!"
    to which the neurologist said, "You can use stronger language than that."
    To which I replied, "Yeah but when I say 'poop' it makes me laugh."

    1. I laughed while reading this, JoanneP! That's so great that you were able to maintain a sense of humor while receiving your diagnosis. I can imagine getting closure was relieving. Thank you so much for sharing! - Chris, Team Member

  4. I was shocked but I had a suspicion that it was PD. Small handwriting, slowness in my right hand. But reality is far worse than fear. It has been 8 months and emotionally I’m much stronger. Physically I feel good. Exercise, gratitude and living in the present has helped me so much. I’m just now telling friends and coworkers. They are very supportive. Life has taken new dimension. I’m more aware of the good in my life, the joy to move and feel alive. I believe this will serve my health and happiness.

    1. What an awesome perspective despite the circumstances, gretchen! I'm so glad that you have supportive people in your life. Keep up the momentum! Thanks so much for sharing with us. - Chris, Team Member

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