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Online resource page for people with Parkinsons in Orange County, CA

Filling a Need: Resources for Parkinson's Patients in Orange County, CA

You have just been diagnosed. Now what? Your doctor gives you good medical advice. But there is much more to be learned. Where do you start? Many feel it is important to get connected with the local Parkinson's community as soon after diagnosis as possible. In the Parkinson’s world, there is no shortage of great organizations publishing good information. However, it is often overwhelming. It can be difficult to sort out. While attending PWP meetings and from reading it is apparent that many PWP around the country are not aware of what is available to them. So how do we get our local information? What is pertinent to my situation?

One answer. A small group of people with Parkinson’s in Orange County, CA have collaborated on a new website. Anybody in the Parkinson’s community in Orange County will find it useful. PDBUZZ.COM provides comprehensive localized Parkinson’s information for the estimated 7,500 PWP in Orange County, CA. There is often a gap between the doctor’s medical advice and additional information that might be helpful. PDBUZZ.COM helps to close that gap.

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Their experience

Their common experience was “what would have helped me the earliest in the experience.” They know how difficult it can be to find a local resource, especially for the newly diagnosed. They had to learn much of what they know on their own. However, all that time and work now allow them to share their experiences and help the community find available resources. Who knows better the issues than the people with Parkinson’s? They have already started the journey. Their hope is that their experience can ease the way for others, especially for the newly diagnosed.

Pass it along

By making the site specifically for Orange County, it simplifies the resource stream. Their goal is to capture as many Orange County resources as they can in one place. Above all, it is easy to use. The site information is made available to doctors and other providers who can then pass it along to their patients. PD BUZZ business cards are provided. One Orange County neurologist said, “I think the website looks great and I like the links to various resources. Overall I think it's excellent and much needed.” A Movement Disorder Specialist said, "Perfectly done. You have no idea how much this is going to help people."

Keep it local

The goal is to have one site that covers the full spectrum of the needs of the local Parkinson’s community. The events page that announces upcoming Orange County Parkinson’s related meetings and conferences are important to many. There is a listing of Orange County support groups and caregiver groups. There is a Peer Program that offers an opportunity to talk or maybe help one get plugged into the Parkinson’s community. In addition, there are links to exercise and nutrition sites.

What the collaborators learned the hard way is now easily accessible. The information comes from a collectively well-informed group: people with Parkinson’s. Their hope is to ease the journey.

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