\n","dateModified":"2023-05-31T20:41:01.666736Z","dateCreated":"2023-05-31T20:41:01.666736Z","datePublished":"2023-05-31T20:41:01.666736Z","commentCount":7,"keywords":["Coping","Exercise","Positivity"],"url":"/forums/what-i-know-now-about-my-pd","image":{"@id":"/forums/what-i-know-now-about-my-pd#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://parkinsonsdisease.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Jeff t"}},{}]}
Hello all: it’s good to be back. I’ve been off this site for sometime and much has changed. I’m 70 this coming November and diagnosed 5 years ago. I just saw a movement specialist today and got some good news. Even though my tremors have worsened and my gate is a little off, I’m Still taking C/L 25/100 and still maintaining a positive attitude and still functioning. Speaking of Still, I saw MJ Fox’s documentary. IMO very worth while.
I still play guitar (a little), still reading a lot, still walking 2-4 miles a day ( a little slower though) , still exercising. Which leads me to an important mode of exercising, BOXING. I have been hitting the heavy bag since 2019. I feel it has helped my strength, balance , endurance, stamina, and memory. I do boxing and core at a Title gym near my home in Massachusetts. The other organization I just signed with is “ Punch4Parkinsons. An organization dedicated to helping people with Parkinson’s get into a beneficial routine and workout with boxing. Check them out.
The other thing I spend time on is photographing bird. Sounds crazy, right? With tremors, and I rarely use my tripod. The trick is, first of all my lens (200-500mm) is pretty heavy so it seems to slow the tremors, second, the lens has VR (vibration reduction ) and third, if I can maintain lock on the bird, I shoot a 1/3200th of a second. Too fast to see any movement from tremors. Photography is a great hobby. If nothing else, it will get you out in nature. A life benefit in and of itself.
I hope all of you are doing what you can to put a smile on your face. It’s very important to feel a sense of accomplishment no matter how small.
Parkinson’s can be a big obstacle to overcome. Keep trying to beat back Parkinson’s. Surround yourself with people who care , support and help you