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What Do Most Parkinson's Patients die from?

My mother had PD and died from pneumonia in 1994 caused by aspiration of food. That was before the various pneumonia vaccines we have now were available.

Today, what do most PD patients die from?

  1. Hello, my father recently passed away. He lived to almost 88 years old. A good long life. He had PD and dementia in more recent years. He also had many UTI's related to having a catheter. His death can be attributed to overall decline to his health in the last few years. Toward end of life, he would aspirate on food and we had switched to soft foods. In general, you do not die from PD but may attribute to complications like your mother experienced. All the best, Suzanne Troy, team member

    1. Thank you. Why did your father need a catheter?

      1. Sorry, just saw your question. My father had a super pubic catheter placement years ago following prostrate cancer and scarring to his urinary tract.

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