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Stuck between a rock and a hard place/disability

My husband is only 50 years old. He is experiencing a lot of symptoms and is now on 3 types of meds. They are helping but a lot of his symptoms are making it very difficult to do his job. Dr says file for disability. Disability says you don’t qualify, twice now months apart. Stuck between a rock and a hard place! Anyone else experienced this? Need a lawyer? Advice?

  1. Your local Council for the Aging may be able to set you up for a one time free consultation. The Parkinson Foundation is also an excellent resource. Good luck in dealing with a frustrating situation.Let us know how you do. If we can be of any assistance please let us know.
    Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

    1. Thank you so very much!! I appreciate your reply. First we were denied because they said we didn’t fill out all the required paperwork. Second time they denied us because they said he makes too much and we would have to go from what he’s making now to $17,000 a year or below or he would have to completely quit his job and be off for up to 5 or 6 months. SS asked if he could afford to quit, we said no. We still have 2 children living at home and his mother lives with us which I care for, and a house to pay on. So we are just at a loss. Not sure what to do!!

      1. I certainly hope you can find a satisfactory solution to a very difficult situation. The red tape involved in any government transaction is overwhelming.Please let us know if you can resolve the issue and if we can be of any assistance reach out to us.This community cares. Thea

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