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Sleep Please

Going to bed is such a treat
I'm so tired it's hard to beat

I'm wide awake but fade so fast
My eyes get so heavy, I know it won't pass

At 9.45 I’m totally with it
I’m dribbling by 10 I have to admit it

I must get to bed before sleep beckons
This is so hard, what do you reckon

Nodding off, is it a dream
Then a sudden noise makes me scream

The rush Is on to get in my bed
Lay on the pillow and rest my head

Sleep in instance you know what I mean
The dribble confirms where I've been

For the next 4hrs you would think I'm dead
Except for the twitching and flashes in my head

Before dawn approaches my body states
No more sleep that's enough mate

So, it's 4 in the morning, time must be plenty
My stoma bags is full, so it’s time to empty

Into the bathroom and empty the shit
Flushing the toilet doing my bit

Back to bed so more sleeps perhaps
Not a chance, I can’t even nap

So up again and quiet I must be
Don't want to wake up my wife you see

Put the kettle on and make a brew
Don't get wound up, but it's easy too

Checking social media which is easy to mock
Is it keeping me awake watching TikTok

Onto the bike and pedal like hell
8000 miles so far, I will kiss and tell

Later in the day I really need a nap
Can't shake this cycle, this is the trap

Lots of Medication the Parkinson’s pills
Constant insomnia just repeating the drills

Fatigue is getting a more common denominator
Nothing in the tank to save for later

Something the brain needs to switch off soon
So, let’s start with this poem it is close to noon

  1. Hi thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. How are you managing this week? I hope it has been kind to you. -Jessica (Team Member)

    1. Hi Jessica

      Thank you for your kind response, I'm doing OK thanks for asking

      I written quite a few parkinsons poems all rhyming I find it tremendously therapeutic when I'm having a down In bed day

      Hope things are good with you

      Take care


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