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Does anyone here live in Arizona? How do you deal with the heat?

Hi everyone! I'm new here. My husband is 66 and has PD. We love AZ and used to live in Chandler. We would love to move back (in VT right now), but we're not sure how he'll do with the extreme heat. I was wondering how other people, who live in the desert 🌵, handle it. Do you have tips or tricks?


  1. Although we don’t live in Arizona it can get very hot and humid here in Virginia. Neither my husband or I do well with it and with Lupus I have to avoid sun.We try to do any tasks early in the am and stay in the AC during the worst part of the day and then possibly sit outside late in the evening when the humidity drops.My husband also uses a bandanna that can be filled with ice to wear around his neck which can be gotten at the Vermont Country Store. (We used to live in Vt.) We both always wear a hat and very lightweight loose fitting clothing-primarily linen.

    1. Quin sorry my reply got redirected. Thea

      1. Hi Thea. Thanks for responding 😀 I appreciate the advice and btw we love the Vermont Country Store. We have been going there since before we were married in 1988 😀

    2. I worked as a customer service training manager there for the last ten years of working after retiring from teaching kindergarten. A great place to work. Where are you in Vt? Thea

      1. we are in St Johnsbury! Where were you living?

      2. We lived in Manchester and then in Mt Tabor on Rte 7 which is about halfway between Manchester and Rutland.Thea

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