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Hi, my name is Bill I was diagnosed with PD about 7 years ago. I had problems accepting the disease thinking ha I don’t have PD. But now I have balance issues and I stumble and fall easily. I have problems communicating with other people, it’s like they don’t hear me. As for pain, I am hurting so bad from my neck to my left hip and numbness down my leg to my foot. I can hardly walk with the pain. Sitting down feels like I am sitting on a lump and causing my leg to feel numbness and I drag my foot when I walk. If this is part of PD, I am not liking it. I can handle most of the pain other than my neck. I cannot find a way to sit, stand or sleep without it hurting. Am I the only one who is suffering like this and is it really a part of the disease?

  1. Hi so sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing. I know community members have mentioned experiencing pain. Hopefully others with any related experience will respond soon. If you haven't already, I would recommend reaching out to your physician. As we always recommend reaching out to a doctor with new or developing symptoms. In the meantime, I shared an article on pain and PD - I also included an article written by a fellow PD patient and his experience with managing chronic pain - Wishing you some relief. Kindly, Jessica (Team Member)

    1. Hi just wanted to check in and see how you have been doing lately? -Jessica (Team Member)

      1. Thanks so much for the reply. I am doing a lot better now my doctor gave me some medicine to help with my pain. My neurologist got me an appointment for a MRI within a few days my family doctor has me waiting for a month and still I was still waiting over a month. Again thanks so much for your help.

        1. glad to hear you are doing better. Sending so many positive vibes for your upcoming appointments. Please feel free to check back in any time and let us know how things are going. We care and are here. -Jessica (Team Member)

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