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Is it Parkinson’s?

Hi all,

My grandfather died with Parkinson's last year, after few years living with severe dementia.

I noticed that my mom has significant tremors in both of her hands, to that point that it becomes very visible when she carries drinks or food. This worried me a lot!

She told me that she visited doctor that did some kind of electrical impulse tests on her hands and decided it’s NOT Parkinson’s. She doesn’t know the name of this procedure. Do you have any experience with this kind of procedure and how reliable it is?

Having medical history with Parkinson’s in the family, can this be something other than Parkinson’s? What kind of doctor should I search for and what kind of tests should be done?

Any advice or opinion from this wonderful community would be welcomed.

  1. Thank you for your question, Aleks. If you haven't done so already, make an appointment with a movement disorder neurologist who will evaluate you to rule out Parkinson's Disease. Best, Marc M., Moderator, ParkinsonsDisease.Net

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