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How to manage hot flashes. Of late the intensity and duration has increased

My sister has Hemiparkinsonism for last 5-6 years on Levodopa/ Carbidopa TDS. She is 75 years old. Of late my sister has started getting hot flashes on face and upper body with increased body stiffness.The intensity and duration of hot flashes has increased since one month. Any tips on managing this. It affects her quality of life.

  1. - Thanks for reaching out here. I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties your sister is having. Hemiparkinsonism is a condition we, unfortunately, don't have information on. However, temperature regulation can be an issue people with Parkinson's experience. Has your sister been in touch with her neurologist/doctor about this? - Chris, Team

    1. Hi Chris
      I am a cardiologist. I was searching the medical literature on this subject and could not find a satisfactory answer. Use of evening primrose oil oral capsules, acupuncture and behavioural therapy to name a few. My sister describes it as “burning in hell”.The helplessness of caregiver can not be expressed in words.

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