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How To Get Localized Parkinson's Information?

There are a group of local people with Parkinson's trying to figure out how to make information more accessible. There is much available (maybe too much) but how do you find what you need in your own geographic area? Is this a problem in many areas? What can be done? What are some groups doing to solve this issue?
Somehow the docs have to have the local support information and then have to deliver to their patients, especially the newly diagnosed. How to accomplish?

We are interested in what others are doing to aid in getting localized info to people with Parkinson's in their town or area.

  1. Aunque llevo padeciendo EP más de cinco años, soy un novato en su publicación.
    Me gustaría poder colaborar en lo que sea posible, pues entiendo que nuestros comentarios proporcionam argumentos a los especialistas y neurólogos, ya que sin saber nuestras reacciones a cualquier medicamnento o a su contimuidad o la evolución experimentada a la cantidad ingerida, u otros aspectos observados de nuestros cambios en la vida diaria, puede ser una herramienta útil a quienes tienen en sus manos la posibiidad de mejorar nuestros sufrimientos.

    1. Thanks for your post, @fuengirola. Would you be able to repost this in English? At this time, we can only respond to comments written in English. Thanks! - Chris, Team

  2. This is an interesting topic for me because we have been working on the same thing. I went to each neurologist’s office with a flyer listing general local information (support group, reliable websites, list of neurologists and movement disorder specialists within a five hour drive, etc) and another one about exercise options. I left information where I could but do not think much of it is shared with newly diagnosed persons. The most helpful response was from my movement disorder specialist whose office is three hours away. Fortunately, she sees many of the persons with Parkinson’s from my city. I also keep sharing information with the local support group in case a member learns of someone who needs info. I also take the opportunity to speak to other groups (an exercise group, a senior nutrition group for example) and have been able to share local PD information when they identify someone. I hope this helps. Lorraine, moderator

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