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financial assistance for the elderly with Parkinson's

My father has Parkinson's and at nearly 90 is starting to display signs of reduced mental capability. Supporting himself and my mother on social security has depleted savings. Is there anywhere that he can apply for assistance?

  1. Hi my heart goes out to you and your family. I am sorry to hear what your parents are going through this. I shared a few links with some information that I hope is helpful - And And I would also recommend asking his doctor's office if they know of any additional resources available for him. They may know of some additional options for assistance. Wishing you all well. -Jessica (Team Member)

    1. Jessica H thanks for the links to research. Will let you know if anything pans out

      1. again, I truly hope it does prove helpful. Sending positive vibes your way. Kindly, Jessica (Team Member)

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