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Early Stages Symptoms Remission?

I have been told that it is possible I MAY have PD. While I'm waiting for my first neuro appointment, I have been doing some research. It appears that I have MANY of the symptoms/signs, but have not seen anything to say if early symptoms come and go or just show up and progress. Can anyone answer this? Please. Thank you!

  1. Greetings to you! You pose some good questions! Symptoms can vary in each person diagnosed with PD and severity. Since each person is different it's difficult to answer these questions. PD is described as a "snowflake" disease amongst many chronic diseases where each person's experience can be different. It's best if you wait and get a firm diagnosis from your neurologist. They will be the best person qualified to answer your specific questions and concerns. In the mean time, here is an article from one of our own in our community that might give you some insight and help you prepare for any upcoming doctor appointments. It's best to be prepared with a list of questions for your doctor!
    Let us know how it goes! All the best, Suzanne Troy, moderator

    1. , I echo what Suzanne said. I can tell you my experience, but also as Suzanne said so very clearly, each person's diagnosis story is different. For me, the equation of tremor + bradykinesia + rigidity + balance issues equaled a PD diagnosis. Most of my original symptoms stayed the same. Some grew in intensity over time (years), if that is the correct word. All my symptoms are currently managed by medication and exercise. Talking to others with PD and looking at (reputable) online sources can be helpful or a source of frustration. I suggest preparing your questions for that upcoming appointment with the neurologist and seeing what s/he says about whether or not you have PD. If you are diagnosed, then certainly ask your symptoms question and what your next steps will be. I do not like to be advised to "wait" or "be patient" so I apologize if that annoys you, too, but I think it is best in this situation to wait and see. Mostly, I want you not to stress too much. Best wishes, Lorraine, moderator

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