Foundry Worker to Caregiver
I worked 28 years in a foundry while my wife was working in the medical devices facility and was diagnosed with Parkinson's in about 1991. She had a D.B.S. put in and took disability and S.S.
A wake up call
I continued to work 45 to 60 hrs a week till 2018 when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I chose to have it removed rather than radiation. I'm glad I went this way as I had every intention of going back to work, but during my recovery period I had a wake up call on just how bad the Parkinson's had gotten in Sheryl.
Foundry worker to caregiver
I realized that I didn't have to work till I was 70, so at 68 I retired so I could spend as much time as possible with her before she enters stage four. I didn't think I could love her anymore than I do but I think that it doubles with each passing day and with what's going on with Covid. Now she's not wanting to do her therapy and I love her to much to make her do it.
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