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Free Online Exercise Classes for Parkinson's

Editor's Note: Talk to your doctor before starting or stopping any new exercise routines.

I have had Parkinson's disease (PD) since 2020. Exercising is one of the most important treatments for PD. Why? Physicians recommend that exercising your body and mind are key focuses when one has Parkinson's disease. It is integral in improving and maintaining optimal body functioning.1

Therefore, any exercise that I enjoy doing, is beneficial and I will be more likely to continue doing them. By the way, exercising improves well-being, lessens depression, improves gait, and cognitive abilities.1

Exercising even helps my balance, improves my sleep, and gives me more energy. It also aids in relieving constipation. Using keywords when searching the web can lead to many free exercise sites.

How to search online

Try using these keywords in your search on sites like Google, Bing, or Youtube:

  • Speech and voice exercises for loudness and clarity
  • Sit to stand exercises
  • Boxing
  • Exercises for cognition and memory
  • Exercises for dystonia
  • Yoga and stretching
  • Tai Chi
  • Hand exercises
  • Seated exercises
  • Standing exercises
  • Improving head posture
  • Balance exercises
  • Speaking with intent

Dance Classes

Parkinson Place offers weekly online exercises classes. The class "Dancing through the Decades" features live dancing and real-time interaction directly with the instructor.

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The class is set to music from the 1940s through the 1970s. I do sitting and standing exaggerated dancing exercises to music from the oldies. I like this one and feel like a teenager again!

LSVT treatments

The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment BIG (LSVT-BIG) involves physical exercises with exaggerated movements so that I move with intent. 

I feel less stiff after participating in these exercises. As a speech pathologist, I use the LSVT LOUD program for improving my loudness, voice projection, and intelligibility. You can find LSVT exercises by searching online.

Speech and swallowing programs

These online programs help me improve my vocal loudness, voice, and swallowing. Now, people understand what I say better when I speak loudly and clearly.

I use this program to speak with intent so that my voice is loud and my speech is distinct.

Other exercise videos

I use tai chi to help with maintaining my balance and gait abilities. It is also has a calming influence on my day. You can check out tai chi here: Treating Parkinson's Disease with Tai Chi

My beautiful penmanship started to get smaller in size and spacing. However, I use this video to improve my hand and finger strength, dexterity, and mobility as well as legibility: Best Hand Exercises for Parkinson's People

Improving my health

My mantra is, "I have Parkinson's, but Parkinson's doesn't have me." I must be responsible for myself. Doing my exercises and alternating them at least 5 to 6 times per week increases my abilities.

I feel stronger, less tired, and my memory and cognitive abilities are improving. Consequently, my voice is louder and I speak with clarity that people can hear. The more effort that I put in to help myself now, the more beneficial it will be for my health in the future.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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