various people with Parkinson's opening their front doors and waving

You Don't Have to Go Through It Alone

Isolation and apathy. These 2 words are not something that comes to mind when hearing the words "Parkinson's disease." Yet, these 2 issues are difficult realities for many who live with PD.

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month, and we want to let you know that you don't have to go through it alone.

Information and support are right here in our community. Whether it's reading the latest articles or finding answers to your questions in our forums, you'll find people who know what you're going through.

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Stay tuned for our giveaway

We want to provide an opportunity for a member of our PD community to win a practical gift. Stay tuned for our giveaway starting on Monday, April 17. The prize is a 1-year subscription to the Calm app. Calm provides guided meditations, video lessons on movement and gentle stretching, music for focus, and more.

Community Hub

A great way to see the latest updates and trending topics in the community is by visiting our Community Hub. You can even start your own topic or share your story!

Isolation and apathy

Our Patient Leader authors have written powerful articles on their own struggles with isolation and apathy, and ways they try to combat these feelings:

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