Three people helping each other while one person stands alone refusing help

Accepting Help: Putting Aside Pride

“I don’t need help from strangers coming into my home!” I’ve actually felt this way before and made excuses to justify those feelings. If you or a loved one “necessitates” at home care, I urge you to take full advantage. Most people either don’t know these types of resources exist or don’t feel they need them. Often pride or fear can often lead to these emotions. Perhaps living conditions or some stereotypical stigma exists that make us distrustful of seeking outside help. In Parkinson’s disease (PD) there could be hidden cognitive issues that lead to irrational decisions that creates this negative environment.

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Mother of necessity

This list is by no means complete. There are literally hundreds of things that a person living with PD could use help doing and no one is exempt from receiving a little help. The amount of help a person needs depending on one’s ability to function independently. This is an important conversation to have but an honest one, with your care provider and your doctor. Your doctor can recommend different therapies and services that correspond to your needs. Many times, these services are covered by your insurance.

Available Services

  • Home health care
  • Respite care
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Social worker
  • Elder services
  • Others

Again, not a complete list. The most obvious source of help is family and friends. Perhaps this isn’t an option for you. No judgement! Sometimes it is difficult to ask for help, but situations often require help to a certain extent to achieve an optimal outcome or the patient may not be able to vocalize and explain their needs. Some needs require a medical professional, and some are more common sense but demand a sense of commitment.

When considering assistance in any area of living with PD, include the patient in your conversation. You may mean well enough but alienate them by appearing to go behind their back. It is also important to recognize the dignity and independence of the person living with PD. My last point is to make yourself aware of areas that you need help and remain open to suggestions. I’ve come to realize this after 23 years of living with this condition. As you battle against PD, you are not alone. There are many willing souls to stand in your corner. Keep fighting my friends.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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