There is More Than Medicine To Treat Parkinson'sYour medications are vital to maintaining your Parkinson’s disease, but there are complementary therapies and other opportunities that you can take advantage of to better your health, on your own...Bookmark for later
Mind-Body Exercises: Yoga & Mindfulness with Parkinson'sAlong with mainstream medical treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD), many people also embrace non-traditional healing methods and practices. This includes things like relaxation techniques and other mind-body methods. Many complementary approaches...Bookmark for later
Exercise Doesn’t Have To Be DullFind an exercise program or regimen that you can adapt to match your lifestyle and fitness level. Seek out programs and classes in or near your area for Parkinson’s disease...Bookmark for later
Can Exercise Really Help My PD?I decided a long time ago in my 22 years living with Parkinson’s disease, that I wasn’t going to let PD’s effects rule my life. I made a vow to...Bookmark for later
What Is the Role of Exercise with Parkinson's?Exercise is important for everyone, but especially for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Research has shown that exercise may reduce the risk of developing PD. Exercise has also been shown to...Bookmark for later