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wife doesn't understand

does anybody's spouse not understand what the full spectrum of parkinson's involve, or am i alone?

  1. , unfortunately, you are not alone. Some PwP report the same responses from spouses. Sometimes, spouses cannot handle more information on the spectrum of what is happening to their loved ones. It could be a defense mechanism for their own emotional health. Some people judge PD by the outward symptoms only. They do not consider what it is like for the PwP's internal physical and emotional feelings. It can also be their way of dealing with PD as a defense mechanism for self-protection. Best, Marc M., Moderator,

    1. Is your spouse open to participating in a care givers support group? I am active on MyParkinsonsTeam and many caregivers are members. If nothing else it can be a good pace to share frustration and get coping suggestions. My husband took the time to read the Davis Phinney Foundation book Every Victory Counts and he became so much more aware. It is free except for postage. I just left it on the coffee table and he picked it up on his own. I also sent one to my PCP who shares it with patients and caregivers. I hope this may help. All my best wishes, Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

      1. I am interested

      2. @

    2. my Husband has Parkensons and the first thing I did was looks for real people that had PD. I read every time I get on facebook to understand why he is what he is and does. I meant and wonderful lady on 1 of the sites who gave me some wonderful advise and I really took it to heart. She told me Just love him , Just love him and hold ever moment I can. When he has good days we go and do anything he want even if is sit at his favorite place and listen to music. We laugh I flurt with him. Now the the next maybe something totally different and that is ok I hold on to the day before until the next good day. I wait on him hand and foot. Because I still have him and I'm not promised tomorrow. My advice to your wife to to get on here and find real people that really puts thing in perspective. God Bless you both

      1. Hold on to me and hug me would be better than medicactions

      2. Thank you!

    3. Very wise advice indeed. Thank you for sharing it with us. Holding those we love close and making positive memories will help get through difficult times. Best,
      Thea DeStephano Community Team Member

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