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Understanding tension vs rigidity, dystonia

Recently diagnosed with pd. I’m 77 yrs old. My main symptoms are tremors in hands & involuntary tension in arms. I can relax when concentrating on it. When I relax I am completely limber. But I spend my entire day in a state of tension in arms shoulders & hands til the muscles are worn out & in pain.
This seems different to me from the description of Parkinson’s stiffness & rigidity.
Any answers? Thanks

  1. @Lagger45. Definitely worth discussing with your neurologist. Ask your neurologist about Restless Limb Syndrome. It usually presents as restless leg but I have friends who experience in their arms and hands. I describe mine as constantly feeling as if I need to move my legs and subconsciously keep my leg muscles in tension and, in the evening, constantly move them in small movements. Fortunately, there are meds that lessen or eliminate the feeling of tension and movement. The following links have some info.
    Let me know what happens and good luck.


    1. Thanks for your input …I read the reference info. Interesting. It mentioned 2 types of RLS..related to iron. Mine tends to be elevated. I’ve had experience with it in the past but very incidentally & briefly. Stretching the back calf muscles seemed to stop it. But those brief encounters were horrible enough to make me appreciate what others go thru. My arms aren’t restless as such..just as you describe..subconscious tension, like watching an intense white-knuckler movie. You realize afterward how wound up tight you are. It involves only my hands, arms, shoulders & sometimes neck muscles. If I concentrate I can relax but only briefly. Aching & pain from that increases as the day goes on. At night moving them to a new position helps them relax but the relief lasts only seconds. Sleep is the only relief & restorer.
      The article was from 2012..wonder if any updated info on it.
      I have no motor issues other than unsteadiness & a tendency to fall forward. (I attribute those to poor posture & a vertigo episode 2 yrs ago) Tremors persist thru resting & using hands. My handwriting is almost unreadable. I was diagnosed only 2 1/2 mos ago when a Datscan evidently confirmed PD. I haven’t been able to tolerate any of the meds so far & will discuss DBS at appt next month. (Gabapentin is my only present help..takes the edge off slightly & helps me sleep). Too bad the hand stimulation you mention won’t be available any time soon I imagine
      Will update you of any significant developments. Tho I haven’t figured out how to navigate this site very well & hope I can find this again. Ha

      1. Just came back from my 3 month neurology check up. I asked, and restless arm is a thing and with the symptoms almost a match for your description. Definitely ask your neurologist and let me know what he/she says.

        Phil Horton

        1. Alright I will. Jan 6. Thanks!

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