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Sinemet: How long for improvement?

Hello. I am having a hard time finding an answer to this question. I know that Sinemet typically takes 30 minutes or so to kick in, but my question is how many days/weeks does the medication take to really start to show significant improvement in symptoms? How many days/weeks on the medication to reach the therapeutic level?

Thank you so much!

  1. Hi ,
    From what I can find, it looks like it may take several months to reach full effects of Sinemet ('s,benefit%20of%20levodopa%20and%20carbidopa.).
    It would be a good question to ask your doctor.
    Thanks for reaching out!
    All the best,
    Christina, Team

    1. Hi. I completely understand that it will take weeks or a month to reach therapeutic levels, and that makes sense. I was just diagnosed with presumptive PD last week and started Sinemet this past Tuesday. I find that I am checking and re-checking, and re-checking my symptoms looking for any change at all.
      Is it possible to have even a small improvement in such a short time? Or is it all in my head? I'm scheduled to see my doctor 11/8, but was hoping someone out there had experience with this.
      Thank you!

      1. my husband has had PD for many years. He takes sinement. If I read you correctly you are looking for signs of improvement. We have tended to think of it differently ie, that initially the drug helps to slow down deterioration rather than improve things. Obviously you cannot measure this as you don't know what you would have been like had you not taken sinemet.

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