I am 48 years old, and have had intermittent issues with what is likely essential tremor since my early 20s. But over the past year or two my right hand has been behaving differently. It occurs most often when using a computer mouse. I'll struggle to select the item or link because my hand will not zero-in on what needs to be clicked, or my thumb and forefinger will "jerk" very slightly (working in graphic design this kind of issue is a big and annoying problem). But what concerns me even more is that over the past year when typing on a keyboard my right hand will have a slow rhythmic tremor, and it seems to be getting worse. An appointment has already been scheduled with a neurologist, but it isn't until the end of September. In the meantime I would like to get some views and opinions from forum members about this issue. Should I be concerned? Does this sound Parkinsonian? My maternal grandfather had Parkinson's and although I have read that it doesn't often run in families, it can in about 20% of cases. Anything else I should keep an eye on? Thank you to all who respond.