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Does anyonr take Rytary? Does it make you tired?

  1. Randell, I take Rytary 3 caps 4x a day four hours apart. First is at 6 am and last is at 6 pm. I find the 2 pm makes me drowsy. When I feel like I am going to drift off, I try to get up and walk or do a short exercise routine. That seems to help. A short nap is fine if you need one. I sleep well at night and avoid napping. Check with your neurologist. All my best,
    Thea DeStephano Community steam Member

    1. Randee Sorry to have misspelled your name.

      1. Thank you so much for your helpful information. My sister in-law thinks my brother will be drowsy and fall. I have a friend with Parkinson's. He says it gives him energy.
        Take care,

        1. Randee, Has your brother started on the Rytary. If so, is. It making him drowsy? It can take time to adjust. Please let me know if it’s helping him.Sometimes it takes some adjustments to timing and dosage. Keeping a log to share with his neurologist is helpful.Stay in touch.
          Thea DeStephano , Community Team Member

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