I would like to know if anyone has similar experiences to me. I have had physical symptoms 8 years now. When I am unmedicated I run and exercise. In the past week I ran 5kms in 28 mins and 10k in under an hour. I can juggle a football better than when on meds. I am taking a lot of meds but the wearoff makes me shudder especially arm and leg. Once worn off I feel better than I do on meds although I now have a slight shake in the left arm and right leg sometimes. Sometimes unmedicated I feel so good I think the pills are doing me harm. Unmedicated I do get a bit stiff now and then until I move around or exercise and it eases. I talked to my Dr. and he can't explain it - and hasn't anything to say on it. Does anyone else run 5 or 10kms unmedicated and has had PD over 5 years?