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I would like to know if anyone has similar experiences to me. I have had physical symptoms 8 years now. When I am unmedicated I run and exercise. In the past week I ran 5kms in 28 mins and 10k in under an hour. I can juggle a football better than when on meds. I am taking a lot of meds but the wearoff makes me shudder especially arm and leg. Once worn off I feel better than I do on meds although I now have a slight shake in the left arm and right leg sometimes. Sometimes unmedicated I feel so good I think the pills are doing me harm. Unmedicated I do get a bit stiff now and then until I move around or exercise and it eases. I talked to my Dr. and he can't explain it - and hasn't anything to say on it. Does anyone else run 5 or 10kms unmedicated and has had PD over 5 years?

  1. I am 63 years old.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sammy63. Exercise is good! If you are not pleased with your doctor, I personally suggest that you see a movement disorder neurologist for a second opinion. Happy New Year! Marc M., Moderator,

  2. I'm 63 as well and was diagnosed about 18 months ago, although in retrospect the symptoms of PD had been coming on for a few years.
    I used to be a fairly serious runner- 2.54 Marathon pb-but I had got to the stage where I couldn't do more than 10 minutes of a slow jog before needing a walking break. Then about four months ago I started on Rasagiline 1mg daily, and my running has now improved enough to run 4 miles non-stop, albeit slowly. Hoping to do a half marathon later this year if I can keep it up. Haven't been on any other medication.
    Have you tried discussing Rasigilene with your doctor?
    Keep up the running. I guess we are lucky to be able to run at all at our age.

    1. 74 yo, have it for 10+ years. Taking levidopa 1.5 pills at 4 hrs, Rasagiline 1 pill a day. Not a runner, but an avid tennis player. Tremors reappear now and then at the end of the 4 hrs. My main concern for the last 2 yrs has been the appearance of "gait speed and step length variations," which can make me fall if I am not braking carefully or I am not warmed up. I'm taking 1 extra dose of levo/1 hour of exercise, as I saw clips where reputable doctors said one needs more dopamine during exercise. To avoid gait issues, I have to warmup with tennis footwork exercises for at least 30 min. Ga isitsues are much better after 10-30 min of exercise. Not sure if rasagiline has any effect on me, it was rec. to slow the disease. TRX at home helps for gait. Keep exercising.

      1. where any of you on c/L? or just the levodopa

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