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Question on hand shaking

Hello, I'm a male 64, diagnosed with parkinsons on 3/23.
I have been using levadopa 25/100 3 times daily since..working pretty good but now my left hand constantly shakes...does a higher dose of levadopa reduce the shaking? I'm not scheduled to see my neurologist until October now

  1. Do you have access to My Chart or a similar way to contact your neurologist online or a phone line where you can discuss this issue with his/ her nurse ? October is a very long time to wait for an answer. Generally most Drs now have alternate points of contact. I hope you can get an answer soon. We cannot give medical advice on this site for your safety but certainly want to give you some possibilities. Thea DeStephano

    1. Thank you, I'll do that

      1. Tho1645 please reach out to doctor. I am new to this too 11/22. One thing I’ve noticed is I am more aggressive with my health care provided than I’ve ever been. And the staff still love me. I am delighted to be a part of this community. The articles are upbeat, honest and real. Welcome from south Hot Florida.
        Best wishes.

        1. thank you

      2. You may want to ask for Rasagiline as add-on, to improve long-term, also for Elantapone to extend the effect of Levo on a given dose

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