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Pain in lower back and buttocks

Almost daily I suffer with pain (sometimes severe) in either the lower back and or deep in the buttocks, My question is, is this part of Parkinson's or is it a general health problem? If it is Parkinson's related does any one have a way of dealing with it

  1. Hi Telmike. The answer to your question is yes- it can be related to PD or to another issue. It's difficult to know without seeing a doctor. Have you seen your primary care doctor? Aside from having something physical (a disk issue, for example), physical therapy can be a great way to reduce pain.
    I hope this helps.
    Kelly, Team Member

    1. I also suffer from this type of pain daily, is there any pain meds that help? I can't take any ibuprofen due to kidney transplant. Thank you, Mary

      1. Hi Mary . Sorry to hear you are dealing with such pain. You pose a great question, but we cannot offer medical advice via the internet, for your safety. If you don't mind me asking, have you had an opportunity to speak with your doctor about your symptoms? Thank you for being here with us. Wishing you well. Kindly, Team

    2. Did you ever find a solution for this? I do have the same problem in both butt cheeks . I do have pack of shoes but according to my physical therapy and based on my own dealing with it for a while, I found out it is muscle spasm. My doctor is trying to adjust my medicine to a thereputic level he feels that I should not be feeling is pains if I'm at the right level.

      1. Hi how have you been managing the pain lately? Were you and your doctor able to work together to help you find some relief from the pain? I hope so. Wishing you relief. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

      2. * Back issues Not Pack of shoes. lol

    3. Good morning Jessica,
      Although I am sad to see someone else is suffering from the same thing which is very painful, but I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I have been searching high and low to find an answer. My MDS were totally brushing off my inquiry about if it has anything to do with the PD. Finally one of them told me that he's never heard of that. So I went back to the ortho which did my surgery 7 months ago and he said it could be from my back surgery. Although I don't think it is. I also get knots, at different areas including my thighs or buttocks which can be very painful for a few days until it resolve itself or is massaged out.
      I also have severe tightness in my forearm which started this whole journey altogether and a big knot in my peck. Doctor gave me botox injection for the first time couple weeks ago which made the forearm much worse. He told me he had never done that in the buttocks so he was not going to do that for me. I would love to stay in touch with you and see what you find out. Please message me your contact information and we can get connected.

      Oops I noticed I have many typos in my initial post. I do use the voice feature since I have trouble typing now. The darn thing switches the words after it types it in. 😛

      0 reactions reply

      1. I do apologize for the delayed response. You definitely are not alone- others here can relate. Since we last spoke how have you been managing? Have you tried anything new to find some relief? Wishing you comfort. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

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