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As someone who has worked in the dental industry for many years, please heed my advice.
Do not use over the counter mouthrinses, they are very bad for your oral health, as the kill just as much good bacteria as the bad.
A number of people have mentioned Biotene, this us an excellent product, as it was specifically developed for dry mouth and to be used regularly.
Admittedly, Biotene is a little on the pricey side, but it far outweighs the cost of dental care you may require if using over the counter mouthrinse, they should not be allowed to sell this is really bad!!.
If you feel you ever require a mouthrinse seek the opinion of your dentist, they will recommend and advise, only if necessary, which mouthrinse fir you to use with very strict instructions on its use.
Biotene also has an excellent mouth spray, which you can use regularly and will discreetly hide in the ladies guys it will have to be your top pocket😋.
Please, I am so very serious about over the counter mouthrinse and not to use, no matter of much you think you need it.
Biotene only, unless advice by your dental practitioner.

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