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Irregular blood pressure

My father (age 85) has parkinsons for last 10 years now. so far the medication has been helping to keep things in control, other than few side effects like constipation, low blood pressure, etc.
Since last couple of months (no change in medication), we have noticed that his blood pressure is fluctuating almost every day.
Some days he gets dizzy/fainted from low blood pressure and some days from high. sometimes even in one day. His doctor is not very keen to give him blood pressure medicine.
It is very hard to know what is causing such a fluctuation, and very hard to know how to help him getting stable.
Is this normal in PD patients? Has anyone experienced this and managed to stabilised?

  1. @shail
    I’m 80. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s 2014 and taking 4 different Parkinson’s meds. I also have stage 4 CKD leaving me with multiple probable causes for my blood pressure problems My blood pressure was stable for many years and I now have experienced episodic low pressure along with episodic high pressure. My neurologist thinks my occasional orthostatic hpotension is probably Parkinson’s related but points to other issues as more likely for high BP. My neurologist, cardiologist, and nephrologist are working together to resolve my blood pressure issues. I now take five 5 BP meds daily and barely have my BP within high & low limits.. Long story short, you might try, based on my experience, having you father’s kidney function, thyroid function and parathyroids function tested just make sure they are operating within limits. Also consider the test for orthostatic hypotension.Getting old is pretty complicated. Please let me know if any of my story is helpful. Best wishes.

    Phil Horton

    1. 0

  2. Thanks Phil for your response. Sad that you have to go through this, seeing my Father I know how difficult to keep going and staying positive.
    We were not sure if PD is also causing the high BP. But I think as you said it will be sensible to look at other possibilities. Will suggest my father to go through tests you mentioned.
    Thanks again for your response and all the best for your wellness.

    1. Hello, I'm sorry that your father is going thru so many flucuations with his BP. My father had an episode with his BP going up and down when he was in the hospital for a urinary tract infection a few years ago. At the time it was recommended by doctors to have a pacemaker placed. In hindsight, I would have asked more questions about what caused the episode but at the time we listened to the doctors. Dad had the pacemaker for several years and wasn't a cause for concern thereafter but required regular visits to the cardiologist to maintain the pacemaker. It's good to ask questions as Phil mentioned. I do believe the PD led to the BP flucuation for my dad. Each is different. Again, ask lots of questions to your physician. All the best, Suzanne Troy,

  3. The word "normal" caught my attention in your query about blood pressure fluctuations and PD. My blood pressure has extreme highs and lows, too. My movement disorder specialist (MDA) says it is "normal" in the PD community but not everyone will necessarily experience it. I am sorry to hear your dad's blood pressure readings are so varied. I started writing down my b/p readings and what was going on at the time. I consider what I ate, if I ate at about the time of the high or low reading. I write down how I felt, my pulse, vision or anything else I notice. I am looking for patterns over time. A few things I have noticed, although this may not be part of your dad's experience are that it is not uncommon for me to have high blood pressure in the morning that goes down within a few hours. I have low blood pressure after some meals, especially those high in carbs. I have also had low blood pressure after working in the yard for several hours and learned I needed to be even more hydrated than I thought. I have measured high b/p when stressed. As I mentioned, I'm writing down a lot of info in the hope some of it is relevant during the next discussion with my MDS. I hope your father's doctors are helpful to alleviate his b/p fluctuations. Warm regards, Lorraine, moderator

    1. Thanks Suzanee and Lorraine.
      I never thought pacemaker is used for the b/p related issues, always thought it was related to heart. will have a conversation with his Dr.
      we are regularly watching the b/p readings (3-4 times a day). So much agree with you Lorraine, it is so hard to know the pattern of this, considering my father's age, he has very routinised lifestyle,doing same activity one day causes low b/p and another day high.
      However last few days (almost 7-8days) his b/p is on the higher side, and not fluctuating drastically, and able to manage the dizziness.
      We spoke to his physician and he is thinking recommending a high b/p medication if b/p stays on higher side for long.
      His neurologist's appointment is end of December, so will continue monitoring the b/p.

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