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I am designing a product, I am a GSCE pupil I would like your help.

Hello, I am a GCSE people in the UK. I am doing a DT project on a weighted pen to help with Parkinson's. I would be very grateful if you were to fill out this user survey for my product so that I can have more information to help me to design. My grandpa is suffering from Parkinson's and I wanted to do this for him.

  1. Good luck with your design and invention of a better-weighted pen. It is needed to help PWP. Marc M., Moderator, ParkinsonsDisease.Net

    1. Charlie I am sure there are many Parkinson’s patients that would appreciate an affordable functional pen. There are several out there but they are frequently disappointing and can be costly. I wish you luck designing a good quality product. Thea DeStephano
      Community Team Member

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