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Helping to controlling Dribbling/Drooling, would be grateful for any tips to control this sometimes embarrassing habit.
Keith B

  1. Hi , you certainly are not alone in battling this symptom. Hopefully others will weigh in here. In the meantime, I included this article that may be of interest - I hope this helps and you find some relief. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

    1. Drooling, which can be embarrassing in a social setting. You might have done so already, but making an appointment with a speech pathologist, knowledgeable in PD and neurological impairments may be beneficial for swallowing exercises. If you do not have other swallowing issues such as coughing or choking on foods or liquids. you may want to try sucking on hard candy and wearing a cotton wristband to wipe away the wetness. All the best for 2022. Marc M., Moderator,

      1. I was having a terrible and embarrassing time with excessive drooling. I am now using atropine drops daily. They have stopped my drooling. If I don’t take them the drooling starts again. Sounds crazy but they are eye drops that you put under your tongue. Talk with you neurologist and see if they might help you.

        1. Hi @KeithB, Drooling bothers me to no end and I find it horribly embarrassing. The suggestions here are very helpful and Marc's comments regarding a speech pathologist are spot-on. The swallowing exercises and techniques have very helpful. My doctor (a movement disorder specialist) recommended Botox injections to be scheduled shortly. I hope to post results here. It may also be an avenue you may want to explore. Warm regards, Rob Hunt, Team Member

        2. Thank you for your comment Sjaldrich. Some PwP are taking atropine drops sublingually. There are many serious side effects of this medication. If you have a movement disorder Neurologist, I would get is approval for this drug and if the side effects would be contraindicated for you. Best, Marc M., Advocate,

      2. Hello Keith, Not being the only Dribbler on the block is some consolation I guess but it's still embarrassing especially when I drop lots of dribble onto a document that I happen to be perusing at the time. I will definitely try Atropine under the tongue. Thanks for everyone's comments.

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