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disability denials

I am a 57 year old female in the medical field. I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago and after having covid in Oct of 2021 things have not been the same as far as meds not working anymore, ongoing fatigue, weakness and apathy. This past August I had DBS to hopefully feel better unfortunately I didn't get the results I was hoping for. Long story short I applied for disability a year and a half ago and was denied twice also had a hearing a few weeks ago and haven't heard anything as of yet. I have been on long term disability from my former employer. anyone else have this struggle or any advise would be appreciated. I mean this disease is no joke and it is a progressive disease so why do they make it such a long and degrading process?

  1. Hi I am sorry to hear you did not get the results from DBS that you were hoping for and that you are battling for disability benefits. Hopefully others, who have any experience, will weigh in soon. In the meantime, I included an article we have on disability benefits here - I also included a link to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation’s Helpline - They may have some valuable information or resources that could be useful. I truly hope you hear some news soon and it is in your favor. Please know we're here for you. Sending hugs. -Jessica, PD Team Member

    1. Thank you for your response I appreciate the information and I will definitely review the articles.

      1. Hi Dwilli01
        I was diagnosed with Parkison's when I was 57 years old but was told by my doctor that I most likely had Parkinson 3 years prior. I had to quit work at 57 due to Parkinson and not being able to do my job. I have gone through this with 2 rejections and and 1 appeal. I won the appeal. I was told by a friend that the state counts on people not following through with appeals. The more people don't follow through with their appeals, the less the state has to pay. Just have all the documents from your all your doctors and all the document's you have from the state disability. It a fight you can win. Stay strong.

        1. Hi, did you use a disability lawyer? I was fortunate to apply in December of 2017 and receive my first check in May of 2018. Here's the law firm's site: Good luck!

          1. I actually had an appointed attorney through my long term disability company but I never even spoke to them until the day of the hearing! Thanks for the info I’ll check them out.

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