I am a 68 year old male with Parkinson's diagnosed 12 years ago. I had DBS surgery one year ago at Holy Cross Hospital located near Rockville, MD. Two leads were placed in the STN areas on each side of my brain. The surgery appears to have been successful, with immediate tremor and dyskinesia relief even before the system was activated. My neurosurgeon placed four fiducials (attachment points) in my skull one week prior to surgery. A Starz frame was secured to the fiducials at the beginning of the surgery. With this system your head is not secured to the table which was important to me due to claustrophobia. I was awakened during the lead placements to answer questions and perform requested arm and led movements. I then returned to sleep during the remainder of the procedure. I did experience some discomfort but no pain. Stayed in the hospital for one night, was released by the middle of the post surgery day. Returned one week later to have the neuro stimulator/battery placed and the wires connected. This was an outpatient procedure, I was sore but no true pain.
The stimulator was activated about four weeks following surgery. The improvements were quite noticeable my arm swing actually returned to normal!
DBS issues/warnings to potential patients: I have experienced great difficulty in achieving optimal settings despite at least eight adjustment sessions with several different doctors and nurses. DBS is not effective without proper settings. There seems to be inadequate emphasis placed in training the medical professionals on this critically important phase of DBS therapy.