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What types of complementary therapies have been successful in managing Parkinson's symptoms?

  1. Although complementary and alternative therapies may help relieve symptoms of PD and may even slow the progression of the disease, medical professionals stress that these should be used in addition to, not in place of, traditional medicine. Also, as some approaches could interfere with common PD medications, we encourage you to talk to your doctor about all practices you are using to manage your symptoms. We have a list of complementary and alternative therapies on our website here: and encourage you to search for or start a discussion in our forums on this topic:

    1. Also take a look at Optimal Health with Parkinson's Disease. The neurologist who wrote it tells what research, if any, has been done about possible therapies - including conventional and alternative therapies. One of the most useful books about PD that I've read.

    2. Thanks for this suggestion, FranBL! Sounds like a really interesting book. - Chris, Team Member

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