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I need help accepting that my roll in all this has become a carer from a wife.
I get very down in myself as our life has changed and restricted as my husband's mobility is affected the most.

  1. Hi there. It's true that Parkinson's can cause many changes. Keep in mind that Parkinson's is usually a slow progressing disease. Some things that help you in your role as caregiver: Encourage your husband to stay as active as possible. Mobility is such a broad topic. If one is persistent, there is almost always a way to get around. Canes, Walking sticks, high and low walkers, scooters, electric chairs. Find and insist he try a Parkinson's exercise group. A physical therapist might be able to help with mobility issues. You might consider joining a Caregiver support group.
    Phil Horton

    1. As suggested a support group can be invaluable whether in person or on line. There is a lot of of information and helpful tips that others can share. Sometimes it can help just to share frustrations with others who understand.
      Thea DeStephano Community Team Members

      1. you are still a wife; you just have an additional title. Your husband probably has similar difficulties in accepting his role as the needy one. I know struggle with that, and I was diagnosed 7 years ago. Unwanted change is never easy. Definitely find a support group for the 2 of you; they are the only ones who will truly understand what you're experiencing.

        1. Have you considered being evaluated by a physical or occupational therapist for mobility issues? Marc M., Moderator,

      2. Hello, Just checking in to see how you are doing. There were several great tips here on your post- do you find any of them helpful to your situation? Just know we care about you in our community and only want the best for you. Regards, Suzanne Troy, team member

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