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Hi, my husband has PD. He is showing addictive behaviors and I'm concerned. Has anyone else had this issue? Let me know if you need more information.

  1. Hi - It is really hard to watch a loved one experience that and we totally understand your concern. These 2 articles talk about impulsivity and impulse control disorder. They may be similar to the information you're looking for -

    Hope this helps,
    Lauren ( Team)

    1. Thank you so much Lauren. I will definitely read them.

  2. Hi shhh, Your post helped me. I have noticed that my husband with PDDementia is binge eating. I hadn't thought of it as something related to PDD. I had tended to think that he has so few pleasures, eating more than usual was just something he was doing to bring a bit of joy into his life. I now recognise the binge eating for what it is ie, a PDD addiction. I intend to speak to the doctor about it.

    Going back to you. What is your husband addicted to?

    1. He's addicted to OnlyFans. Have you heard of it? You can Google it and see what it is. He has spent (overall) about $2000. Recently he spent $400 in one go. He says he does it for friendship (I'm working on getting him a dog instead lol), but anyway, these women are scantilly clad in provocative positions. He says it's not THAT, but I'm sure it has SOMETHING to do with it. He asked me the other day (the $400 day), "Help me". And I said "with what" and he just said "Help me". He was about to send this woman (now outside of Only fans, to her private PayPal) $2500!! And he needed my help so he wouldn't do it. I believe this is totally PD related.

      1. I'm glad my post helped you <3

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