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A change in diagnosis

I was just informed by a neurologist (Not a PD neurologist) that I do not have PD. I was floored how can this Dr who has never met me,read any files or did a exam decide this. Let's just say I was a blubbering mess. He decided I have essential tremor. Why? He said I did not present as a PD patient and I tremor to much. Can someone please tell me what I should look like? He wanted me to drop my entcaphone and after 3 months i would have a phone consultation then I was to move on to my other meds removing them. I was told by my PD neurologist never to do this without monitoring.
Also I just the word shut down as to opposed off.
Needless to say I came out wondering what just happened. As I though on this after a day off crying I got in touch with Parkinson's Canada and they were wonderful not only sending literature but giving me a PD Doctor that I can be referred to. Speaking with them helped me to realize the I did have a recourse. Among the literature was a warning never stop meds cold unless you are monitored. I am so glad I took the time to reach out. My only thought is what about another patient who sees him, what if they don't have this recourse? Would they suffer from being taken off meds.
Has this ever happened to you. I would love to hear. Right now waiting for my doctor to get my referral. But I will stay strong in my stance.

  1. You are being very wise to wait for advice from your movement disorder specialist. Medications should never be stopped cold . Getting advice with no interface, or any interaction other than looking at files seems rather hasty. Try not to worry too. Much as I am sure your movement disorder specialist will sort it all out. Thea DeStephano
    Community Team Member

    1. . Thank you so much for encouragement. This was a movement clinic I went to. For some reason I was not given a PD Doctor. Yes I have read so many good things about movement clinic that is why I asked to be referred. It is so appreciated right now to know I have so many well wishers as you. Hope you are having a wonderful day and again thanks

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